Monday, May 7, 2018

Introduction to Colonial-Native American Relations before The Revolution

Sometimes friendly, sometimes hostile, the tribes Along the Atlantic coast were no longer strangers to the Europeans. Although Native Americans seemed to benefit from access to new technology & trade, the disease & thirst for land that the early settlers also brought posed a serious challenge to their long-established way of life.

At first, trade with the European settlers brought advantages: knives, axes, weapons, cooking utensils, fishhooks, & a host of other goods. Those Indians who traded initially had significant advantage over rivals who did not. In response to European demand, tribes such as the Iroquois began to devote more attention to fur trapping during the 17C. Furs & pelts provided tribes the means to purchase colonial goods until late into the 18C.

Early colonial-Native-American relations were an uneasy mix of cooperation & conflict. On the one hand, there were the exemplary relations that prevailed during the first half century of Pennsylvania's existence. On the other were a long series of setbacks, skirmishes, & wars, which almost invariably resulted in an Indian defeat & further loss of land.

The first of the important Native-American uprisings occurred in Virginia in 1622, when some 347 whites were killed, including a number of missionaries who had just recently come to Jamestown.

White settlement of the Connecticut River region touched off the Pequot War in 1637. In 1675 King Philip, the son of the native chief who had made the original peace with the Pilgrims in 1621, attempted to unite the tribes of southern New England against further European encroachment of their lands. In the struggle, however, Philip lost his life & many Indians were sold into servitude.

The steady influx of settlers into the backwoods regions of the Eastern colonies disrupted Native-American life. As more & more game was killed off, tribes were faced with the difficult choice of going hungry, going to war, or moving & coming into conflict with other tribes to the west.

The Iroquois, who inhabited the area below lakes Ontario & Erie in northern New York & Pennsylvania, were more successful in resisting European advances. In 1570 five tribes joined to form the most complex Native-American nation of its time, the "Ho-De-No-Sau-Nee," or League of the Iroquois. The league was run by a council made up of 50 representatives from each of the five member tribes. The council dealt with matters common to all the tribes, but it had no say in how the free & equal tribes ran their day-to-day affairs. No tribe was allowed to make war by itself. The council passed laws to deal with crimes such as murder.

The Iroquois League was a strong power in the 1600s & 1700s. It traded furs with the British & sided with them against the French in the war for the dominance of America between 1754 & 1763. The British might not have won that war otherwise.

The Iroquois League stayed strong until the American Revolution. Then, for the first time, the council could not reach a unanimous decision on whom to support. Member tribes made their own decisions, some fighting with the British, some with the colonists, some remaining neutral. As a result, everyone fought against the Iroquois. Their losses were great & the league never recovered.